20-07-12 till 26-08-12 Klankenbos NEERPELT

Klankenbos in the context of Manifesta 9 Musica organises a summer exhibit presenting a new and permanent  installation COMPOSED NATURE.

Vibrant trees are the focus the of the Dutch  Composed Nature installation by staalplaat Soundsystem and Lola landscape architects. An interactive installation brings a series of motorized trees shaking causing artificial noise fields. The installation is formed by a matrix of trees on which vibrating motors are mounted and controlled via a DMX dimmer pack connected to a computer. The dimmer controls the voltage per tree and thus the frequency and severity of the vibration, creating artificial noise fields.
Composed Nature is a sensitive but powerful tool that allows visitors to play different compositions within the trees. In this way the forest becomes a public playable instrument. A permanent version is now installed in the Kankenbos, Neerplet, BE,  a public forest with a collection of open-air sound installations that is unique in Europe.

The installation Composed Nature, commissioned by CBK Dordrecht for the Urban Explorers Festival in 2011, began as a collaboration between LOLA landscape architects and Staalplaat Soundsystem as part of ongoing research for Composed City, which examines potential overlaps between sound art and landscape architecture.
A co-production of Musica, Domain Dommelhof and Z33 – Art in the Open Space
Z33 Art in the Open Space is supported by the Fund for Cultural Infrastructure of the Flemish Community