Below you can find all sorts of video (QuickTime) documentations of our projects.
You can see some of our new video’s at in flash format
that can not be found here.
General introduction video on staalplaat soundsystem
01.Yokomono at Festival Newcastle 08.(2,3 MB)
02.Yokomono at MOCA Taipei -07 (21,3 MB)
03. Yomonomo earational installation Hertogenbosch-04 (18,6MB)
04. Voxxx gallery (Yokomono sound installation) Chemnitz-03 (2,7)
05. Voxxx gallery (Yokomono Live set) Chemnitz-03 (2,7)
06. Interview on YOKOMONO Project (14,1MB) SONIC THERAPY
01. The ultrasound of Therapy in Cairo 06 (41,8MB)
02. The ultrasound of therapy in Ljubljana-04 (19,5MB) MACHINES
01. performance at LACE Los Angeles 12 (288,1MB)
02. sincronie in Milano 06 (54,9MB)
03. Happy Metal stateX-new forms festival Den Haag-04 (20,9MB)
04. Avantilator (one hundred office fans) Avanto Helsinky-04 (7,4MB)
05. Sweet Sissy (12 floor polishers) Vooruit geluid festival Gent-02 (8,7MB)
06. A composition for 104 washing machines Berlin-00 (2,7MB)
07. A composition for eight refrigerators garage festival Stralsund-00 (5,2MB) SALE AWAY
01. SALE AWAY in Den Haag 06 (31,0MB)
02. Sale Away (mobile phone controled installion) EMAF Osnabrueck-04 (25,3MB)
03. Sale Away Groningen-04 (31,7MB) FLOATING ISLANDS
01. Floating Islands Berlin-04 (28,9MB) COMPOSED NATURE
01. COMPOSED NATURE Dordrecht-11 (313,8MB)
01. Made in Taiwan workshop Taipei 07 (14,2MB)
02. Dead Computer Orchestra workshop KHM Köln 05 (18,7MB)