Architone-Yokomono-pro @ Timelab Gent

Yokomono-Pro is a car horn concert performed by vehicles moving through a city. Each city and each type of vehicle has its own tone and each combination results in a different concert. The project was developed and written as a commission by the International Sonic Residency 2008 for The KHOJ Artists’ Association in New Delhi and was presented one year later at the India Art Summit. In New Delhi we focused on the traffic and the amazing amount of noise it produces. One of the most prominent noisemakers is the three-wheel taxi, which uses its horn very frequently in situations where we would use our indicators, headlights or mirrors. Taxis are the most recognisable means of transport here, playing a dominant role in the city’s soundscape. We arranged for the collaboration of thirty so-called ‘tuck tuck’ taxis and operated their horns via remote by means of transmitters. By playing this ‘taxi horn choir’ in combination with spatial manoeuvres an urban sound choreography was created. Yokomono-pro has also been performed at the Transmediale in Berlin and at TodaysArt in The Hague.

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Architone-Yokomono-pro @ Timelab Gent

Architone-Yokomono-pro @ Timelab Gent

Architone-Yokomono-pro @ Timelab Gent

Architone-Yokomono-pro @ Timelab Gent